Hi! My name is Philip, and I helped start Amper, a small startup in the manufacturing IoT space. I formerly was a software engineer at Sprout Social in Chicago. I work in the world of web services and distributed systems, and usually spend my time writing Python for work and Go for fun.

Here are some things I’m interested in:

  • making things: I like making things, and I enjoy working with people who have a similar mindset.
  • games: I grew up up playing a mixture of board games and video games and still enjoy the competition and strategy involved.
  • personal data: the amount of data that exists for a single person is huge. I’m not just talking about the number of web services with API’s that someone is signed up for. Think about everything in your life, the time you spend here or there, when you cook, when you eat out, what kind of stuff do you own, what are all the books you’ve read, etc. There are literally thousands, and I’m curious how to collect it all and index it in an efficient manner.